Stretching for Wellness

This class is held in English.

In this class, we focus on the importance of stretching as a fundamental practice for physical and mental health through a series of gentle and fluid movements. During each session, you will be introduced to various stretching techniques that target different muscle groups, improve flexibility, promote relaxation and improve your body’s range of motion.


Tämä tunti pidetään englanniksi.

Tällä tunnilla keskitytään venyttelyn tärkeyteen fyysisen ja henkisen terveyden edistäjänä lempeiden ja sulavien liikkeiden avulla. Jokaisen harjoituksen aikana tutustutaan erilaisiin venytystekniikoihin, jotka kohdistuvat eri lihasryhmiin, parantavat joustavuutta, edistävät rentoutumista ja parantavat kehon liikeratoja.

Stretching for Wellness
11.1. –25.4.
klo  20:00 –21:00 Oulunkylän liikuntapuisto

This class is held in English. In this class, we focus on the importance of stretching as a fundamental practice for physical and mental health through a series of gentle and fluid movements. During each session, you will be introduced to various stretching techniques that target different muscle groups, improve flexibility, promote relaxation and improve […]